As a band member and having the skillset for it, I also take care of all our art, website, e-commerce, email etc. I developed the site for us to be able to keep fans abreast of our music / merch releases and to provide us with an online means to be contactable for record labels, concert organisers, promoters, etc.
I have also created videos for the band, with our latest single just being released a few weeks ago (see below).
The band is just for fun and keeps my playing skills honed.
Ages of Éireann - Single
Just finished a few weeks ago to go along with a German tour.
Autumnal Blaze (Official Lyric Video)
Created for our last album release.
My Interview on Omani National Radio
Went to Oman and randomly ended up on TV / Radio. Now this presenter is making an album with me for fun.
Born to the Fight
Our most famous song. It’s so basic compared to what we do now, but always gets people jumping.